Monday 18 November 2013

Liverpool Homotopia Exhibition


I really didn't like this exhibition, I didn't quite understand what it was about. Maybe because I wasn't in the best of moods anyway that day, but either way I was a bit disturbed by it and my initial reaction was "right... okay". I especially wasn't keen on the photography, especially of the photos with men in corsets and women's lingerie, I found it very strange.

That aside, I did like the lighting in the photographs as it made them look quite interesting. And I did really like the painting techniques in the paintings, as a painter myself I can really appreciate the time that the artist put into the painting and the beautiful blending, it was very smooth and perfect.

I don't feel as though the exhibition was useful to me because I can't relate to it at all and is not the type of theme I will use for my project.

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