The strands of equality and diversity...
- Age
- Gender and status
- Race
- Sexual orientation
- Faith and belief
- Disability
- Gender identity
- Socio-economic status
My chosen specialism is photography...
I still don't have a clue.......
- Not every disability is obvious, can't always see them
- Bullying
- Name calling, people don't know that they have something wrong with that person that is being bullied
- Mental disability
- Dyslexia
- Visual impairments
- More obvious disabilities, it's not their fault, sympathy
- Colour of skin
- Should be treated as equals
- Slavery, disgusting
- The only thing that is different is the colour of skin, we are all humans and the same, slavery shouldn't have happened
- Modern day slavery
- Women are inferior?
- Freedom to work and get an education
- Women in other countries can't get an education
- Domestic abuse
- Forced marriages
- Stereotypes
- Young people=bad
- 'Hoodies'
- Moral panics
- We all SHOULD be treated the same
- But is it ever going to happen?
- There will always be the division between races, men and women, young and old people, disabled people and non-disabled people
- It would only happen in a perfect world
- As long as there are people who do fill the stereotypes (for example, a young person that fills the stereotype of being a threatening person) we will continue to judge and stereotype.
- Poster
- Article
- Photojournalism
- Series of photos that tell a story
- Can't always see the disability
- ie dyslexia, OCD, ADHD
- Photo of a person with dyslexia and text about how you can't see the disability or words that bullies use
- The model holding up the words? The words using different techniques, monoprinting, transfers, etc
- A series of photos of things we should be thankful for, food, water, clothes, home, bed, tv, education, family
- Compare to someone in another countries equivalent to this
- Don't know how I'd include other techniques in this
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