Tuesday 24 September 2013

Recycle Posters

Only 5 of the photos are mine because I had problems uploading the images to the computer from my phone, the rest are someone else's.
These two (above and below) are my favourite as the composition is nice and neat... I can't decide which of the two would be my absolute favourite... If I had to choose I think it would be the one below as I'm not keen on the purple on the top one and I prefer the faded pictures as the writing stands out more.
I'm not too sure on this one (above)... I was just trying to change the composition around a bit but ended up not liking it as there is no real structure to it.

I like this poster as the main picture of one of the most well known parts of  Leek, the Market Place, and then has the three images of rubbish at the bottom. These three pictures of rubbish contrast with the really pretty Market Place.

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