Wednesday 14 May 2014

More Acetate Experiments

After the Lud's Church acetate experiment, I tried more examples and really liked them. I think I prefer the bottom one because the image is more monochrome with clear tissue paper instead of dress makers paper, with green paint and bold text in the background. I just think it is more impactful so I will continue to experiment with this kind of colour scheme.

 photo 11B0EA3D-CDD9-4A88-99F3-D8675720B75B_zpsitoum525.jpg

 photo 07E73F71-C84C-46F7-85C0-1E6A8E468FD1_zpsmgmauhj8.jpg

Also, I got feedback from someone who said that you can't really tell what the image on the acetate is so I will try changing the colours on the acetate.

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