Tuesday 13 May 2014

Getting somewhere!

Today, I have tried a new technique - collage with printing on acetate over the top. I think it works really well and that it's a very good way for me to integrate the text into the images about the stories and folklores in the locations.

 I started out doing the background, oil pastel, images, dressmakers paper, acrylic, white emulsion, wax entrap, text.

Here is the scanned in image:

Then I printed out the Lud's Church image trace off Illustrator onto acetate and layered it on top. Here is the image trace on top of the scanned image of the collage background:

I think these turned out really well and will definitely experiment more with the technique. I will also rewrite the stories so that I'm not just copying and pasting into my own work, I will only do that for experiments, not for my actual book.

Also, I'm not sure whether or not I should publish the book or make a sketchbook with the images in, because I think the techniques and the text will be a bit lost in my published book, it would be more clear in the sketchbook/handmade book.

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