Tuesday 25 March 2014

Session With Anne-Lise

 Top image: difference layer blending

 Top image: divide layer blending

Top image: difference layer blending

Half tone pattern man, threshold dog and overlay layer blending 

 Half tone patter man, overlay layer blending, no dog

 Top image: overlay layer blending

Paint brushes and darker colour layer blending mode

Top image: vivid light layer blending

paint darken, man two threshold and lighten blending mode, man one half tone pattern and lighten blending mode, text divide blending mode.


These images are in the style of Tim Marrs. I really like how they turned out, I might experiment more with them in the future or I may use some of the techniques I learnt in the session with other images. I will experiment more with using layers because I really like the effect of different layers with different effects on them.

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