Tuesday 18 March 2014


I decided that I didn't like the idea of a calendar of Staffordshire landscapes after a group crit in Gwen's lesson on thursday. It was pointed out to me that it could be boring and I would need to make it different. Well they didn't say boring but they did say that I'd have to make it different. So I thought about it and couldn't think how to make it different. So I came up with a different idea, inspired by a book I read last Tuesday, Skyscapes by J. Odermatt. It was a simple book, photographs with a bit of text. I decided to create a book of photos of landscapes from the same area, but to make it more unique and interesting, base it on the folklore and stories of the area, for example The Mermaid Pool. Whether I will just write about the story in that particular area or use another way of telling the story I don't know yet, that'll be where I'll experiment within my project.
I will still experiment with how the lighting and weather affects the landscape and use dark room techniques and other experimental techniques such as tape transfer.

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