Thursday 27 March 2014

Lightbulb Moment

Just had a really long chat with Gwen about careers and university and what I want to do because I was torn between photography and painting. She asked me if I was told that I could do photography but never paint again, how I'd feel. I said that I'd choose painting. And if I could paint but never do photography again, I'd paint. I just love painting, I love making people go "wow" and speechless. 
I wanted to do photography because I felt as though the money and job prospects would be better and easier. But I've been told that if I love something an am passionate about something then the money will follow. 
But now what do I do? Do I change my project slightly so I can paint? Or do I stick with photography? Then after this course what do I do? Do I try the hnd in art at Stoke college? Or do I apply late for a degree? Or neither? 

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