Monday 9 December 2013

Journal: Personal Response to Own Work

The aim of my project was to create two posters raising awareness for OCD and dyslexia as they are both disabilities but aren't visible and sufferers can be teased or bullied for being "stupid" or "crazy" because they don't understand. 

I chose the two phrases "don't judge things you don't understand" and "not every disability is visible". I experimented with both phrases on both OCD and dyslexia posters and I decided to go with "don't judge things you don't understand" on the dyslexia poster, and "not every disability is visible" on the OCD poster. I felt as though this would make more sense and help people understand the message I was trying to get across. I thought that "don't judge things you don't understand" phrase was best suited to the dyslexia poster because dyslexic people tend to get bullied more than the OCD sufferers because people don't understand that it's not their fault so just label them as "stupid".

I think that the phrase "not every disability is visible" is well suited to both OCD and dyslexia, but better suited to the OCD poster because people don't see it as a disability, but it is because it affects people's lives because they "need" to do something or they're scared to do something because it'll trigger their OCD symptoms.

In the background of the dyslexia poster I have typed up the word "dyslexia" jumbled up to show that this is what dyslexics see. Also in the background, I have used the brusho, mark making backgrounds that I made in a workshop session and added block printed words that say the disability shown in each poster. I think that this works well as it is clear but not overpowering and the main message still shows through.

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